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Sports Cardiovascular Check-up


Sports Cardiovascular Check-up

At HOSPITEN we work with specialists in Cardiology and in Sports and Physical Activity Cardiology who have at their disposal the very best technological means with which to carry out in-depth cardiovascular studies.

This is a fundamental tool for sports instructors, coaches and healthcare professionals who assess sports people, as it allows them to identify exactly the true potential of each individual and to avoid immediate, very serious complications, which helps improve training programs safely and with guarantees.

However, we know that for some people the intensive practice of sport without medical supervision may entail an associated risk, accelerating the progression of a latent disease not yet discovered and, in the worst case, even cause sudden death.

The Spanish Society of Cardiology recommends in its courses of action guide a Sports Practice Cardiovascular Examina tion to detect a number of diseases and, thus, establish the guidelines with which to define the kind and level of physical exercise suitable for each patient. Physical exercise is also recommended as a complement to treatment for cardiovascular disease.

That is why, at Hospiten, we have specialists in Cardiology with the best technology to carry out indepth cardiovascular studies. We will carry out a full study of the patient’s cardiovascular system before practicing sport and advise him/her on the most suitable and personalized kind of activity for each person.


Why is this check-up important?

  • Most heart conditions leading to death develop without the athlete showing any symptoms.
  • To determine whether there is any medical reason not to do physical activities.
  • To exclude those individuals who may be at risk in some dangerous sports.
  • To determine an individual’s tolerance to the physical exertion he/she will be submitted to.


Who should have a consultation?

  • Young people over 12 years of age who are going to practice competition sports.
  • Sportspeople who regularly do moderateto-high intensity physical exercise at the gymnasium, veterans’ competitions, etc.
  • Those with cardiovascular disease or cardiovascular risk factors (family history, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.) and are going to take up physical exercise on a regular basis.
  • Those over 35 years of age who are federated in a sport.
  • Competition sportspeople, at national or international level.
  • In general, all those who wish to test their physical condition before doing sport.


The Sports Cardiology Consultation includes:

  • A consultation with a cardiologist, who will ask the patient a series of carefully prepared questions, paying particular attention to cardiovascular risk factors.
  • A full cardiological examination.
  • A 12-lead electrocardiogram in repose.
  • M-mode, bi-dimensional and color Doppler echocardiography, in which the ventricular function is assessed. The heart function is analyzed in depth, as are any possible congenital and/or acquired irregularities.
  • A conventional strength test on the treadmill adjusted to the needs of each patient to later adapt his /her physical activity to his/her physiognomy and physiology, in addition to ruling out arrhythmia and/or ischemia under exertion.
  • In those cases where it is deemed necessary, the study may be extended to include further specific tests depending on the results obtained (blood test, carotid artery Doppler, thoracic radiography, outpatient monitoring of blood pressure or heart rate, etc.)


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