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Full Medical Check-up Hospiten Rambla

Full Medical Check-up Hospiten Rambla

The Full Medical Check-up consists of a series of appointments with different specialists and a series of tests depending on your age, sex, lifestyle and medical history.

It is a completely individualized check-up with the advantage that you are attended at a private hospital, where all the tests needed are done on the spot and without leaving our premises.

It is recommended to have an annual a check-up after 40, and you will, therefore, be helping to keep yourself as healthy as possible.



The Public Relations Department will give you all the information you need.


First of all, the specialist in Internal Medicine and coordinator of your check-up will evaluate your risk factors, lifestyle, personal and family medical history and so on. Once all the information has been gathered, the internist will determine which tests are needed in your case and will inform you of the steps you will go through on the day of your check-up.

As the check-up is individual, in addition to the appointments with the specialists and tests involved, other examinations or complementary tests may be required.


After the appointment with the Internist, you will return to the hospital for tests and appointments with other doctors.

Specialties and tests included in the check-up.

  • Internal Medicine
  • Ophthalmology
  • E.N.T.: Audiometry
  • Cardiology: Stress Test, E.C.G.
  • Pneumology:Spirometry
  • Gastroenterology: Colonoscopy, Gastroscopy
  • Gynecology
  • Urology
  • Radiology: Thoracic X-Ray, Abdominal Ultrasound
  • Blood tests

At all times, you will be accompanied by a member of our Public Relations staff, who will guide you around the hospital and will facilitate your appointments with the specialists and for tests.
A few days after the check-up, the Internist will personally give you a full medical report with the results of your tests and any medical recommendations deemed necessary.
Further information:

Tel.:  922 29 16 00


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