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Prevention of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor among the female population. Raising awareness among women about the importance of knowing self-examination techniques, regular check-ups and mammograms are essential to stopping the disease in time.

The importance of early detection of breast cáncer by mammography is essential, since "early detection changes the history of the disease" as the way the disease develops and its consequences are critical factors.

Early diagnosis is vital because the chances of curing the disease depend on the it, and can be 100% if it is detected in time.

Women must learn to know their body well and therefore recognize any warning signs. Specialists recommend all women over 20 years of age examine their breasts every month.

After 25 years of age, its best that a specialist examine your breasts annually. And after 40 years of age, a regular mammogram is recommended.

It only takes a little care and to be alert to any change in your breasts and if you notice anything unusual, see your doctor as soon as possible, the only person qualified to decide, by means of specific tests, like the mammogram, if you are dealing with breast cancer.

You can examine your breasts in front of a mirror to see any changes in the color and texture of the breasts. Once both breasts have been studied, the examination is completed with feeling the breasts with an open hand.


Breast Self-Examination (BSE)

You should self-exam your breasts  every month after your period, or if you longer no longer menstruate, on a set day of each month.

You only have follow these simple instructions:

  • Stand in front of a mirror with your arms at your sides and check that your breasts are the same shape and size as normal, that the skin is smooth, not wrinkled and does not have rough patches, and that the underside of the breast is even in shape.
  • Lift your arms slowly and hold them over your head, check for noticeable differences between the breasts or armpits.
  • With your arms above your head twist your body and check for changes to the profile of your breasts.
  • To feel your breasts, you must lie down. Imagine your breast is divided into four sections. Examine the four sections as follows:

Left side:

Lying on the bed, lift your left arm and place your hand under your head. With your right hand and with your fingers held flat and stretched out, begin feeling your way round the four sections of the breast.

Right side:

Lift your right arm and examine the four sections of your right breast with your left hand. Carefully examine your armpits with the tips of Your slightly curved fingers.

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