Post cataract surgery recommendations are simple, are easy to follow and help recovery. This outpatient procedure is minimally invasive and does not require excessively complex care.
- Avoid touching the operated eye
- Wear sunglasses
- Ask for help in the first hours after surgery
- Keep calm if you notice changes in your vision
- Rest
- Take or apply medication prescribed
- Avoid swimming pools and hot tubs
- Attend check-up appointments
- Monitor changes in the condition of the eye
- Do not use home remedies
Avoid touching the operated eye
After cataract surgery it is important that you avoid rubbing, touching or scratching your eye. The area is sensitive after the ophthalmology team has inserted an intraocular lens, small incisions have been made and it needs time to recover.
Small bruises may appear around the eye. It is not necessary to apply any cream or cold to them, they will gradually disappear.
You may also notice some dryness or discomfort around the eye in the hours after surgery, but it will soon pass. Meanwhile, do your best to avoid touching the eye and/or the eyelid. If you prefer, you can lie down to rest with your eyes closed.
Wear sunglasses
Another important aspect of the post cataract surgery period is the use of protective sunglasses. Choose quality glasses that will really protect your eyes from sunlight as well as from the light from screens and other sources.
This recommendation is easy to comply with and will help keep the eye protected outdoors.
Ask for help in the first hours
After cataract surgery you will experience blurred vision which, for a few hours, will prevent you from leading a normal life. Attend the appointment for surgery accompanied by someone to help you get around and do everyday tasks in the hours after surgery.
Driving is not recommended until you have recovered full visual acuity. Wait a minimum of 20 days after surgery to drive again.
Mantén la calma ante las oscilaciones de visión
Keep calm if you notice changes in your vision
It is very likely that within less than 24 hours you will recover your visual acuity. However, in the process you will experience moments of more blurred vision, photosensitivity and it may even feel like you have a foreign body inside your eye.
Don't panic, the discomfort will soon pass and will be relieved with eye drops and eye wash prescribed by the ophthalmology team.

The post cataract surgery period is not the time to strain yourself. Avoid sports, lifting weight or any activities that require physical exertion. Rest as much as possible, keeping activity to the strictly necessary for a couple of days after the operation.
Take advantage of this time to rest and when napping and sleeping try not to lean on the operated eye. Any pressure on the area may be bad for the eye and delay recovery.
Take or apply prescribed medication
Anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drops are the usual treatment prescribed after cataract surgery. Make sure you do not skip any guidelines, eye hygiene and care is essential for good recovery.
Sometimes oral medication is also prescribed for pain or any other side effects. Have the medication at hand and follow the instructions.
Avoid swimming pools and hot tubs
As part of the preventive measures against eye infection, avoid submerging yourself in swimming pools and hot tubs. This recommendation is applicable for about 7 days after surgery.
After a week, if the eye has healed well and recovery has gone well, you will be able to put your head under the water in swimming pools and hot tubs, which usually contain aggressive liquids like chlorine.
Attend check-up appointments
Check-ups scheduled by the ophthalmology team are essential to correctly monitor the progress of the eye and recovery of vision. Attending each appointment ensures prompt detection of complications should they occur.
The ophthalmology team will carry out as many tests as needed so that your recovery goes as well as possible.
Monitor changes in the state of the eye
Pay full attention to abnormal changes after cataract surgery. Consult your doctor if you feel sharp pain, sudden changes in vision more than 24 hours after surgery, if your eyes weep yellowish secretions, if the eye is very red or you experience nausea or vomiting.
Do not use home remedies
Applying chamomile or other home remedies is detrimental during recovery from eye surgery. Use only the medication prescribed by your doctor. Inappropriate products can lead to infection or complications.
If you follow these post cataract surgery recommendations, your progress will be good and you will soon enjoy visual acuity again.