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“Helping people must be the principal vocation behind becoming a doctor”

Posted on 11-03-2015

Healthcare professionals from Hospiten Estepona take part in the VII Conference on Career and Vocational Guidance at the Tomas Hormigo High School

Healthcare professionals from Hospiten Estepona took part in the VII Conference on Career and Vocational Guidance at the Tomas Hormigo de Cancelada High School in Estepona, sharing their work experience with 70 4th-Year Secondary students.

The aim of the conference is to offer students guidance in identifying, choosing and redirecting training and professional options in accordance with their studies, characteristics and personal interests.

Dr. Jose Carlos Salas, a specialist from the Hospiten Estepona Intensive Care Unit and Juan Burgos, Emergency Coordinator in the Nursing Department at the hospital, spoke to the students about their careers and work experience. They discussed what they studied to prepare themselves for their careers and the work they do in their different positions.

The students expressed interest in the different tasks they carry out on a day-today basis and asked about the difficult situations they come up against. Both men gave some examples of situations and explained how they had dealt with them. Both Dr. Salas and Juan Burgos said that, in spite of the sacrifices the profession demands, the most satisfying thing for healthcare professionals is being able to help people.

The conference aims to show students the reality of career paths in various fields: science, technology, humanities and social sciences, which helps them see their professional future as something real and for which they have been prepared.
