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Sports and Preventive Medicine

Posted on 31-10-2012

Last Tuesday, January 24 Hospiten Cancun held a day of talks focusing on sports and preventive medicine, organized by specialists in rehabilitation, orthopedics and trauma, cardiology and psychiatrics. The day went well and was attended by some 70 people, among which were sports people, coaches, doctors and members of the general public interested in health matters. Among the topics covered were nutrition for high performance sports people, common lesions, rehabilitation, "anxiety and sport" and the implications involved.

Dr Jorge Luis Dominguez Crespo, consultant orthopedic surgeon specializing in the spine, spoke about the lesions that can happen while training for different sports and about the most popular sports in Cancun and the Riviera Maya, stressing the importance of encouraging children to do sport without overdoing things. He also talked about the sports with higher physical risk, like American football, gymnastics and other extreme sports. He also mentioned the importance of losing weight before taking up jogging or doing high impact sports due to the higher risk of injury and stressed how important it was to warm up beforehand.

Dr Carmen Saldivar, a cardiologist, gave an interesting talk on nutrition. Nutrition is closely linked to the way the heart works and to performance during physical activity, so she pointed out the best foods with which to train better and achieve the best results in competition. She also discussed the importance of having breakfast because it regulates our biological clock while getting the most out the food eaten. She went further and explained which proteins, carbohydrates, fats and their recommended percentages for each activity or purpose.

Dr Marely Miranda pointed out how important it is to take care regarding rehabilitation with prescribed therapy using professionals who have done courses but are not qualified physiotherapists, as they can cause irreparable damage. She also mentioned that Hospiten Cancun provides rehabilitation services, in the safe hands of professionals backed by the technology and resources of a comprehensive, fully accessible rehabilitation center.

The last talk was given by Dr Enrique Barrales, consultant psychiatrist at Hospiten Cancun, who spoke about what is really important in sport and the anxiety effect on sports people. He also discussed the pros and cons of mental health and their repercussions on good training.

It was a day about health that opened up a different way to see the myths and realities in sports and preventive medicine and, taking into account the number people in the audience, there was not enough time to go into each topic in depth. However, they explained that talks of this kind would be organized on a regular basis, because Hospiten, as a first rate health center, is keen to make a difference by providing information on prevention and health. Therefore, throughout the year, there will be talks on the subject of health that may serve as a reference for specialists and the general public.
