Santa Cruz de Tenerife, February 11 2020: The Hospiten Group and Tacuense FC renew their agreement to work together to support the regional federated inclusive Lagunero Club, a project that was came about with the aim of promoting equality in sport, breaking down barriers and instilling inclusion in the world of football. The group is made up of the hearing impaired and people who have no hearing impairment - a team where everyone can play together and enjoy what they like best, football.
The board member of the Hospiten Group, Diana Cobiella, highlighted the company's commitment “to promoting sport and healthy lifestyle habits. In addition, we are especially happy with this project, since it allows hearing impaired people to play with people who have no hearing disabilities, playing together on a conventional league team, which is not easy,” she stressed. She also mentions the role of the coach, Mel. "She is an example of equality, since she is hearing impaired herself, making the team pioneers nationwide. From the Hospiten Group, we can only congratulate them on the project and wish them all the success in the world, both in sports and in their personal lives”.
For her part, coach Mel Guesan says the team means that, “we can play, that we have rights too, that we represent equality and that we are communication without barriers. People think we cannot overcome disability, but we are committed, learning and enjoying football. We are very close”.
Likewise, the president of Tacuense FC, Raquel Delgado, stressed that, “it is a matter of pride for us to have an inclusive team. That deaf children can play and are on equal terms with any other person makes us very happy. We are also very happy to have started this project and to see it continue”, she concluded.