Santa Cruz de Tenerife, January 21, 2021. The Hospiten Group wants to join the commemoration of World Hug Day, which is celebrated on January 21, promoting emotional expression and the benefits of a “verbal” hug, adapted to the ‘new normal’ in times of pandemic, due to the direct benefits for people's physical and emotional health.
Given the lack of physical contact, we must try to increase close contact with words, states psycho-oncologist Marta de la Fuente, of MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid, “to listen with all our senses, share experiences, feelings with our loved ones and family members, co-workers, even with health workers, is beneficial and generates well-being at a physiological and emotional level”.
It has been shown that promoting emotional expression and knowing how to handle our feelings helps our body to be stronger. "Good management of our emotions if good for our immune system", says Ms. de la Fuente, who goes on to stress that "in times of pandemic it is important to strengthen communication with looks or words since physical contact is now discouraged".
It is also important to work on this verbal communication because sometimes in a hug many words, feelings and emotions are taken for granted. "And perhaps now we can go deeper into a form of communication that is more verbal and emotional than physical".
The Hospiten Group feels it is important to celebrate this day because the hug is the symbol that represents all the organization and the symbol of a global embrace, the maximum expression of care, union and affection. For the Managing Director of the Hospiten Group, Pedro Luis Cobiella Beauvais, "including this symbol, the circle representing a hug, in our logo is a declaration of intentions, it implies a commitment to each patient, to their physical and emotional well-being".
Hospiten has institutionalized this celebration, "a gesture that brings us together as a team and helps us to be stronger", says Pedro Luis Cobiella Beauvais. Since this gesture is part of the health group's own identity, as a part of its own logo, a circle with two distinct colors, visually represents a hug.