The Hospiten Rambla University Hospital extends the application of the skin-to-skin procedure, typical of vaginal deliveries, to c-sections. The method consists of putting the newborn in physical contact with the mother, during surgery, to strengthen the affective bond between the two, improve the newborn's cardiopulmonary stability and reduce the rate of postpartum depression in mothers, among other benefits.

The protocol has been applied satisfactorily for pregnant women, who insist that it is emotionally beneficial for them. Dr. Vigmar Iriarte Castro, gynecologist at the Hospiten Rambla University Hospital, explains that c-sections are a major surgical procedure performed under very precise, specific indications, with the intention of reducing the risks of maternal-fetal morbimortality during childbirth. The skin-to-skin protocol should be performed in all caesarean sections as long as it does not pose a risk to either the mother or the newborn. This physical contact allows the baby to transition adequately and adapt from fetal to newborn life explains the specialist.
The benefits of contact of the newborn with the mother immediately after birth is supported by a wide scientific community. So far, no study has been published in this regard demonstrating adverse effects of the procedure, which regulates temperature, calms and soothes the newborn in the postpartum period, favors the initiation and success of breastfeeding, improves blood sugar levels of the newborn and increases the secretion of oxytocin, which reduces bleeding and facilitates the ejection of colostrum.
Dr. Iriarte states that promoting skin-to-skin contact makes for a more satisfactory experience for the family, which also provides physiological benefits.