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Hospiten commemorates World Hug Day for its benefits to mental health

Hospiten commemorates World Hug Day for its benefits to mental health
Posted on 21-01-2022

In times of pandemic, given the lack of physical contact, the health group wants to highlight the importance of this gesture adapted to the new normality, due to its direct beneficial effects

The early diagnosis of kidney stones in children, essential to preventing recurrence in adulthood

The early diagnosis of kidney stones in children, essential to preventing recurrence in adulthood
Posted on 12-01-2022

The condition can persist into adulthood if not diagnosed and treated early on

Dr. Eduardo Barroso joins Hospiten Roca as a specialist in Urology

Dr. Eduardo Barroso joins Hospiten Roca as a specialist in Urology
Posted on 03-01-2022

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, December 22, 2021. Dr. Eduardo Barroso joins Hospiten Roca as a specialist in Urology. With this new addition to their staff, the health group reinforces its portfolio of services to provide complete, comprehensive care, both for male and female health. Specifically, Dr. Barroso is a member of the European, Spanish and Canary Islands Urology Societies and is an expert in female and male incontinence and in female genital prolapse, which when the pelvic organs drop due to stretching or weakening of the support of the pelvic floor. The condition can affect the bladder, uterus and rectum, generating a sensation of a bulge at the vaginal level.

Dr. Rafael Llorens Leon, receives the ‘Pasteur Prize for Medicine, Pharmacy and Biomedical Research 2021’

Dr. Rafael Llorens Leon, receives the ‘Pasteur Prize for Medicine, Pharmacy and Biomedical Research 2021’
Posted on 21-12-2021

These prizes, awarded by the European Society for Social and Cultural Promotion, reward the commitment of the world of science, medicine and research with society.

The Hospiten Group receives recognition from the Official College of Pharmacists for their collaboration in the management of the vaccination of pharmacists

The Hospiten Group receives recognition from the Official College of Pharmacists for their collaboration in the management of the vaccination of pharmacists
Posted on 20-12-2021

At this edition, tribute was paid to individuals or institutions that have worked closely with the Official College of Pharmacists (COF) of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the development of their welfare and social work.

La doctora Natalia Carballo elegida Embajadora de la ciudad de Madrid por la Oficina de Turismo del Ayuntamiento de la capital

La doctora Natalia Carballo elegida Embajadora de la ciudad de Madrid por la Oficina de Turismo del Ayuntamiento de la capital
Posted on 16-12-2021

La doctora Natalia Carballo, jefa del Servicio de Radioterapia de MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid y miembro de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Radioterápica (SEOR), ha sido elegida como una de las Embajadoras de la ciudad de Madrid en el Acto de Homenaje “Recognition Night”...

Hospiten stresses the importance of an early diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome

Hospiten stresses the importance of an early diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome
Posted on 07-12-2021

It is one of the most common endocrine problems in women and the most common cause of infertility.

Medicine and mathematics, there cannot be one without the other

Medicine and mathematics, there cannot be one without the other
Posted on 07-12-2021

The ‘Canarias Masterclass’ corporate social responsibility project is an initiative of the Canary Talent Association which seeks to support the talent of Canary students, bringing them closer to the reality of the labor market.

Hospiten Roca recognized for its excellence in quality

Hospiten Roca recognized for its excellence in quality
Posted on 18-11-2021

The Group's centers in San Agustin and Vecindario renew and improve the QH accreditation granted by the IDIS Foundation

Hospiten es el centro de referencia sanitario para la VII carrera BTT Manilva

Hospiten es el centro de referencia sanitario para la VII carrera BTT Manilva
Posted on 17-11-2021

El Club Ciclista Manilva conjuntamente con el Ayuntamiento de la localidad han elegido a Hospiten, centro de referencia en cardiología y traumatología deportiva, para atender a los posibles lesionados o heridos que pueda haber durante la carrera, y dotar de más seguridad al evento deportivo.