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Hospiten Estepona recomienda vacunarse para evitar la meningitis en la adolescencia

Hospiten Estepona recomienda vacunarse para evitar la meningitis en la adolescencia
Posted on 09-05-2018

La dosis se encuentra disponible en todos los centros del grupo hospitalario y se suministra a partir de los 14 años..

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta collaborating with sports and promoting healthy habits

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta collaborating with sports and promoting healthy habits
Posted on 04-05-2018

On April 28, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Puerto Vallarta, the First Tourist Route was created, with the participation of more than 500 cyclists from various states of the Republic. Excellent event, with press coverage, we were the only hospital with a stand, and we had a large number of people visiting the stand.

Hospiten Vallarta celebra el Día del Niño

Hospiten Vallarta celebra el Día del Niño
Posted on 04-05-2018

Los niños y niñas merecen todo el cariño, respeto y la mejor calidad de vida, por ello, Grupo Hospiten los reconoce celebrando este 30 de abril el día del niño en Puerto Vallarta, con una convivencia llena de diversión y magia, invitándolos a disfrutar de la película “Gnomos al ataque” acompañados de sus familiares.

Canadian experts receive training on endovascular surgery at Hospiten at Spain

Canadian experts receive training on endovascular surgery at Hospiten at Spain
Posted on 26-04-2018

Internationally renowned Canadian surgeons will visit the Canary Islands this April to train at Hospiten Rambla on new endovascular surgical techniques and their application in the aorta/lower limbs sector at the hands the head of the Endoluminal/Endovascular Diagnostics and Therapeutics Service at Hospiten, Professor Manuel Maynar, pioneer in applying innovative procedures in this field in 1980.

Girls from Casa Hogar take away good lessons from their visit to Hospiten Vallarta

Girls from Casa Hogar take away good lessons from their visit to Hospiten Vallarta
Posted on 11-04-2018

Hospiten Group, committed to providing the best care, continues with tours of the different medical areas to show the quality that characterizes the group. On this occasion, girls from the Casa Hogar Maximo Cornejo in Puerto Vallarta visited the hospital.

Hospiten Bávaro, Servicio Médico Oficial de la 5ta edición de la Liga de Fútbol 7 del Este

Hospiten Bávaro, Servicio Médico Oficial de la 5ta edición de la Liga de Fútbol 7 del Este
Posted on 04-04-2018

Hospiten Bávaro es el servicio médico oficial  por tercer año consecutivo de la Liga de Fútbol 7 del Este,  importante evento deportivo que cuenta  con la participación de 06 equipos  de la zona Este de República Dominicana, para un aproximado de 110 jugadores y un calendario de juegos que se realizan durante los meses de marzo, abril, mayo y junio de 2018.

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta marks Autism awareness month with

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta marks Autism awareness month with "Light It Up Blue"
Posted on 03-04-2018

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta marks Autism awareness month with "Light It Up Blue", with the aim of raising awareness of this condition of life which affects to a greater or lesser extent the ability to communicate, the language, behavior and sensory integration of people. In Mexico, 1 in every 115 children have been diagnosed with the condition.

Hospiten repeats for the fourth consecutive year its campaign of free tests to detect colon cancer in all its centers

Hospiten repeats for the fourth consecutive year its campaign of free tests to detect colon cancer in all its centers
Posted on 02-04-2018

The healthcare group, together with the AECC, aims to promote the prevention of this type of cancer, which in 90% of cases can be cured if diagnosed in time

Hospiten Sur, at the Silver Age Fair 2018 of Arona

Hospiten Sur, at the Silver Age Fair 2018 of Arona
Posted on 26-03-2018

The healthcare group participated in the event with two information stands aimed at elderly residents and foreigners

The Hospiten Group renews its commitment to the Cajamar Tenerife Bluetrail 2018

The Hospiten Group renews its commitment to the Cajamar Tenerife Bluetrail 2018
Posted on 26-03-2018

The competition, to be held on June 9, is the highest in Spain and the 102 km Ultra version will cross the Teide National Park...