Hospiten News

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Fifty medical professionals are trained to correctly interpret an electrocardiogram
Posted on 28-01-2016

The director of the Hospiten Estepona Arrhythmia Unit, Dr. Pedro Brugada states, the greatest advantages of this tool are the immediacy of performing the test and the low cost of s...

Wendy Acosta Salas passes sports check-up at Hospiten Sur
Posted on 14-01-2016

The new incorporation to Granadilla Tenerife Egatesa United, Wendy Acosta Salas underwent a sports check-up at Hospiten Sur yesterday morning. The international player passed the t...

Eating at Christmas. Recommendations for the festive season.
Posted on 21-12-2015

Christmas can be a difficult time to follow good habits and it also coincides with the beginning of winter, when temperatures are lower and we tend to eat foods higher in calories ...

The Canary Government recognizes the Hospiten Group for taking the Canary economy to an international level
Posted on 18-12-2015

The healthcare group has been honored by the regional governments Department of Economy, Industry, Trade and Knowledge within the framework of the Canary Islands International Foru...

Hospiten Roca launches a new Pediatric Emergency Care service
Posted on 01-12-2015

It is the first hospital to offer the service in the southwest of Gran Canaria, whose residents had to travel 50 kilometers to receive specialized careLas Palmas de Gran Canaria, N...

Hospiten Sur and Hospiten Roca have achieved Top 20 awards for best private Spanish hospitals
Posted on 25-11-2015

Both centers were included in the IASIST Top 20 for the balance in results in various areas and processes analyzed, in both quality and efficiency.Santa Cruz de Tenerife, November ...

How do I know if I have diabetes?
Posted on 23-11-2015

If you notice that you have dropped a size in trousers without dieting, you have no energy and go to the bathroom a lot, perhaps you should pay attention to your body and observe y...

Hospiten receives an award from the Tenerife Business Association for their professional trajectory and corporate history
Posted on 17-11-2015

The president of the healthcare group, Pedro Luis Cobiella received the award on Friday at a gala held at the Hotel Valle Mar de Puerto de la Cruz.Hospiten has received an award fo...

The IV Popular San Agustin-Hospiten Roca Race finished with 3,000 participants and raised more than 14,700 euros for Caritas.
Posted on 09-11-2015

The fourth edition of the Popular San Agustin-Hospiten Roca Race was held this weekend in spite of high temperatures. In total, 2,953 people signed up for the event organized every...

Early diagnosis and regular exercise, key to improved quality of life for ankylosing spondylitis sufferers
Posted on 04-11-2015

On the occasion of National Ankylosing Spondylitis Day, Hospiten rheumatologist Jose Luis Rosales explains that this inflammatory rheumatic disease affects young people in particul...