Hospiten News

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La correcta dieta de exclusión es la base del tratamiento en la alergia alimentaria.
Posted on 19-02-2014

La alergóloga de Hospiten Bellevue Dra. Soledad Zamarro, que ha ofrecido una charla en Puerto de La Cruz, explica la importancia del correcto diagnóstico y la relevancia de la impl...

Hospiten Bellevue colabora en la IV Carrera de la Mujer contra el Cáncer
Posted on 17-02-2014

Hospiten Bellevue participó el pasado domingo 16 de febrero en la IV Carrera de la Mujer; carrera benéfica en favor de la lucha contra el cáncer, que se celebró en el norte de Tene...

The CajaCanarias Foundation and La Caixa ‘Obra Social’ endorse advanced education in health care with the use of technology.
Posted on 17-02-2014

Through the Canary Foundation Agora, the aim consists of developing online surgical training and education for healthcare professionals in the archipelago.The CajaCanarias Foundati...

Hospiten Bellevue colabora con la organización del XI Campeonato de Canarias Pista de Invierno
Posted on 30-01-2014

El evento deportivo reunirá este fin de semana a 500 atletas en Los Realejos de todas las categorías El grupo Hospiten colaborará en la celebración el próximo fin de semana del XI ...

Diego Rivas, goal keeper with Tenerife FC, underwent medical check-ups at Hospiten Rambla this week
Posted on 29-01-2014

The second winter transfer for the Tenerife club underwent the standard check-ups on Tuesday morning at HospitenRambla, the clubs official Medical Service, before finishing the las...

A new transfer for Tenerife FC underwent medical check-ups at Hospiten Rambla on Monday
Posted on 28-01-2014

The new blue and white player, Ayoze Diaz, underwent the usual tests under the supervision of Dr. Juan Jose Valencia. The first winter transfer of the Tenerife team underwent the s...

Hospiten Clinica Roca San Agustin celebrates their 25th anniversary at Fitur, making them a reference in private medicine in Gran Canaria.
Posted on 23-01-2014

Hospiten Clinica Roca San Agustin have come to the International Tourism Fair (Fitur) to celebrate their 25th anniversary and to advertise the wide range of services they offer, wh...

Hospiten teaches the players and technical staff of Tenerife FC the secrets of healthy eating for sports people.
Posted on 15-01-2014

Under the agreement signed at the beginning of the season and under which the Hospiten Group became the official medical sponsor of Tenerife FC, last Tuesday the Hospiten Diet-ther...

Hospiten Clínica Roca firma un convenio con el Ayuntamiento de Telde
Posted on 20-12-2013

La Dra. Cristina Roca Escala, Consejera Delegada de Hospiten Clínica Roca, ha firmado en el día de ayer un convenio de colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Telde para la realización...

Tenerife Iberostar B.C. visit Hospiten Rambla
Posted on 20-12-2013

At midday last Thursday, a representation of Tenerife Iberostar B.C. visited the pediatrics department and neonatal unit at Hospiten Rambla as part of their social Project Tenerife...