Hospiten News

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Hospiten Roca, first hospital in the Canary Islands to train their specialists in advanced pediatric ultrasound

Hospiten Roca, first hospital in the Canary Islands to train their specialists in advanced pediatric ultrasound
Posted on 01-08-2018

Pediatricians, nurses and radiologists have taken part in this specialization course given by expert Ines Osiniri Kippes, the aim of which is to improve accuracy in diagnoses

Family Reunion at Hospiten Puerto Vallarta

Family Reunion at Hospiten Puerto Vallarta
Posted on 05-07-2018

Last June 23, Hospiten Puerto Vallarta hosted a family event, which included a meal for doctors, staff and their families, with games and other fun activities for everyone. The event included a photography contest, where the theme was ‘What do you like most about working at Hospiten? There was a good response with 31 entries and the attendees voted for their favourite. Below you can see the winning photographs. The top three entries won Day Passes for local hotels.

Hospiten unites young students with medical specialists

Hospiten unites young students with medical specialists
Posted on 03-07-2018

Hospiten is a founding member of Canarias Masterclass, an initiative of the non-profit association Canary Talent, which puts young people studying 2nd year Baccalaureate in contact with experts

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta Challenge

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta Challenge
Posted on 28-06-2018

As sponsors of the Vallarta Colors 2018 Race, Hospiten Puerto Vallarta launches the Hospiten Challenge. The goal is to invite local people to become more active and change habits in their lifestyle and at the same time get to know Hospiten.

Digital life increases the incidence of vision disorders

Digital life increases the incidence of vision disorders
Posted on 25-06-2018

Hospiten reminds us that overexposure to digital screens causes tired, dry eyes, difficulty focusing, itching, red eye and other discomforts, both in adults and children

70% of the working population in Spain is affected by vision fatigue

Dani Hernández se ha alzado, esta temporada 2017/18 que acaba de finalizar, como el jugador MVP Hospiten para los seguidores del CD Tenerife.

Dani Hernández se ha alzado, esta temporada 2017/18 que acaba de finalizar, como el jugador MVP Hospiten para los seguidores del CD Tenerife.
Posted on 11-06-2018

El guardameta, con 33 puntos al exdelantero blanquiazul, sucede a Amath N’Diaye, que ganó la primera edición del Trofeo MVP Hospiten el pasado curso.

Hospiten Bellevue, patrocinador de la IV ‘Carrera Infantil Mini 8 Km’ a favor de Atletas sin Fronteras

Hospiten Bellevue, patrocinador de la IV ‘Carrera Infantil Mini 8 Km’ a favor de Atletas sin Fronteras
Posted on 06-06-2018

El grupo sanitario repite su colaboración con el objetivo de promocionar el deporte adaptado e inclusivo

Hospiten Estepona repeats its support for the Euromelanoma prevention campaign

Hospiten Estepona repeats its support for the Euromelanoma prevention campaign
Posted on 31-05-2018

The healthcare group will offer free check-ups and inform the public about the prevention and early diagnosis of skin cancer

Hospiten Sur collaborates in a new edition of the International Meeting of Combined Athletics Events in Arona

Hospiten Sur collaborates in a new edition of the International Meeting of Combined Athletics Events in Arona
Posted on 23-05-2018

Hospiten Sur will provide an ambulance, a doctor and a physiotherapist during the competition days, in which 32 athletes will participate, some of international stature

Hospiten, patrocinador de un nuevo equipo de fútbol que incluye a jugadores con discapacidad sensorial

Hospiten, patrocinador de un nuevo equipo de fútbol que incluye a jugadores con discapacidad sensorial
Posted on 16-05-2018

El grupo sanitario ha firmado un acuerdo de colaboración con la U.D. Tacuense, promotor de esta iniciativa pionera en España...