My Health is Hospiten Puerto Vallarta´s loyalty program that offers the best possible conditions and exclusive advantages for top quality medical care to foreign residents. Thanks to this program, home health care is made available to you, compatible with most health insurance policies.
Become a member and enjoy all the benefits:
Home Health Care -24 hour on call assistance
Transportation to the hospital
Health Control Services
Consultations with Hospiten Doctors
Frequently Asked Questions My Health
Q. What happens if I am a My Health member and I also have a doctor or specialist in another hospital in PV?
A. Hospiten does have a wide range of specialists. However, if there is a particular speciality we do not have, we are very open to those specialists coming to the hospital if you are admitted to us. Any visiting doctors do have to provide the credentials required by Hospiten regarding their professional education. You are of course at liberty to continue to see any other doctor you have a relationship with. This would not affect your My Health membership.
Q. Will Hospiten speak to any specialist I have as needed, either here in PV or in the USA/Canada?
A. Yes of course, and that in fact happens regularly. The sharing of information and team work is vital to maximize your chances of a speedy recovery.
Q. Is there a special number to call for the ambulance?
A. Simply call the My Health number 2262081 and they are trained to take any call, and when it is an emergency, an ambulance will be dispatched immediately. Remember, that as a member the team rushing to assist you will know your medical background so can better help you when they arrive.
Q. Is the person answering the My Health number English spoken?
A. Absolutely!
Q. How fast will an ambulance arrive at our house?
A. Of course this can depend on your location. Geographically the membership covers Bucerias to the North, and Mismaloya to the South. We do however have ambulances located in the Downtown area ready to be dispatched, thereby speeding up the process. Our ambulances, which are fully equipped and have a highly trained crew to deal with any situation. Therefore you can rest assured that once the ambulance crew arrives, it can treat you appropriately in transit to Hospiten.
Q. Is any hospitalization included in the membership?
A. No it is not. Transport to the hospital is, and also your triage at the hospital is. Charges start once treatment is started if that is necessary. Unique to Hospiten, unless it is a life threatening situation, a quote will be prepared for you PRIOR to treatment so you can make an educated decision as to whether to proceed with the treatment recommended.
Q. Are consultations with Hospiten specialists free or discounted?
A. No, this is not included in the membership.
Q. If I am a My Health member, and come to the hospital, do I have an obligation to stay?
A. No you do not.
Q. If I travel to Cancun, Playa del Carmen, or Cabo, will the Hospiten there have access to my medical records as a My Health member?
A. Yes they will. But please remember, My Health is exclusive to Hospiten Puerto Vallarta.
Q. Do you accept Mexican Insurance, such as IMSS?
A. No we do not, however there are some private Mexican insurance policies that do cover treatment in our hospital.
Q. Can locals join?
A. This particular membership is to mainly aimed at foreign people who may lack family or social support in an urgent medical situation. However no one who wishes to be involved would be denied. We do however have other programs and if you want more information about My Health or the other memberships please contact public relations and they will happily advise you.
Q. In an emergency, if someone calls another ambulance (not My Health ambulances) will I be liable for the cost of that ambulance?
A. Yes you will. We suggest you have your My Health card on you at all times and the number for our switchboard on speed dial. Only our ambulances are included in this My Health membership.
Q. If I have any problem with my My Health membership, who should I call?
A. Please call our My Health number 322 2262081.
Q. If I am out of Mexico for a while, do I have to pay for those months?
A. No. As a reminder, the membership is payable monthly so you only pay for the periods you are in Puerto Vallarta and wish to have coverage.
Q. Do you accept all foreign health insurances?
A. Please contact our public relations team to discuss your Health care policy specifically.
Q. What is not included in My Health?
A. To clarify, if you do require emergency transport to Hospiten, the ambulance and initial assessment in emergency by an ER doctor is included in the membership. Specialist visits, tests, treatments, procedures and all related to admissions in hospital are NOT included in the membership.
Q. Is My Health an insurance policy?
A. No it is not. Think of My Health as a health membership. Think of it as guidance on prevention or treatment of illness, and an effective safety net in emergencies. My Health is the perfect addition to any health insurance coverage you have. Be it international private health insurance or IMMS coverage.
Q. Is the health assessment offered as part of the My Health registration process a one off, or included in the program yearly?
A. The blood work, ECG, nutritionist appointment and other services offered at the initial assessment are simply to gather a current base line on your health in order to get you registered. So, these tests are not offered yearly.
My Health coverage
Q. Is My Health valid in other countries at other Hospiten Hospitals?
A. No it is not. Whilst your information stored on our modern SAP system is accessible internationally, the My Health program with all its benefits is only available at Hospiten Puerto Vallarta.
Again as a reminder, what is included as a My Health member is…..
24 hour home health coverage
Free emergency transport with Hospiten
Health clinics
Consultations with GPs at Hospiten