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All Posts Term: Hospiten Puerto Vallarta
11 post(s) found
Hospiten Puerto Vallarta eleva su compromiso con la Calidad y el Medio Ambiente con nuevas Certificaciones Internacionales  ISO 9001 y 14001

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta eleva su compromiso con la Calidad y el Medio Ambiente con nuevas Certificaciones Internacionales ISO 9001 y 14001
Posted on 20-03-2024

Puerto Vallarta, México – 14 marzo de 2024 - Hospiten Puerto Vallarta, un referente en la atención médica de calidad para pacientes nacionales y extranjeros, se complace en anunciar que ha obtenido las prestigiosas certificaciones internacionales ISO 9001 y 14001. Estos logros reflejan el compromiso continuo del hospital con la excelencia en la atención al paciente y la protección del medio ambiente.

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta donation

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta donation
Posted on 01-08-2019

As a socially responsible company, Hospiten Puerto Vallarta has contributed with a donation of materials and medicines to the Rotary Club Puerto Vallarta Sur, which is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of peace and global understanding through humanitarian, educational and cultural exchange programs, that works internationally.

Family Reunion at Hospiten Puerto Vallarta

Family Reunion at Hospiten Puerto Vallarta
Posted on 05-07-2018

Last June 23, Hospiten Puerto Vallarta hosted a family event, which included a meal for doctors, staff and their families, with games and other fun activities for everyone. The event included a photography contest, where the theme was ‘What do you like most about working at Hospiten? There was a good response with 31 entries and the attendees voted for their favourite. Below you can see the winning photographs. The top three entries won Day Passes for local hotels.

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta Challenge

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta Challenge
Posted on 28-06-2018

As sponsors of the Vallarta Colors 2018 Race, Hospiten Puerto Vallarta launches the Hospiten Challenge. The goal is to invite local people to become more active and change habits in their lifestyle and at the same time get to know Hospiten.

“Mamás Hospiten” son festejadas por su día con gran convivio

“Mamás Hospiten” son festejadas por su día con gran convivio
Posted on 16-05-2018

Grupo Hospiten festejó con un gran convivio a las mamás que forman parte de la gran familia Hospiten en Puerto Vallarta, quienes prefieren la calidad de los servicios de este centro médico, por lo que se les consintió con un desayuno y regalos por el “día de las madres” en agradecimiento y reconociendo a su labor como mamás.

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta collaborating with sports and promoting healthy habits

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta collaborating with sports and promoting healthy habits
Posted on 04-05-2018

On April 28, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Puerto Vallarta, the First Tourist Route was created, with the participation of more than 500 cyclists from various states of the Republic. Excellent event, with press coverage, we were the only hospital with a stand, and we had a large number of people visiting the stand.

Hospiten Vallarta celebra el Día del Niño

Hospiten Vallarta celebra el Día del Niño
Posted on 04-05-2018

Los niños y niñas merecen todo el cariño, respeto y la mejor calidad de vida, por ello, Grupo Hospiten los reconoce celebrando este 30 de abril el día del niño en Puerto Vallarta, con una convivencia llena de diversión y magia, invitándolos a disfrutar de la película “Gnomos al ataque” acompañados de sus familiares.

Hospiten Group, at the traditional pilgrimage of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

Hospiten Group, at the traditional pilgrimage of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
Posted on 18-12-2017

Committed to local traditions, the Hospiten Group could not miss the start of the twelve days of pilgrimages on the occasion of the celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe, in Puerto Vallarta (Mexico). Collaborators, administrators, relatives and friends of all those who make up the Hospiten Group gathered on December 1 to take an offering to the parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Hospiten participates in the University Arkos road running event

Hospiten participates in the University Arkos road running event
Posted on 18-12-2017

Last Sunday, November 19, the 8th run was held by Arkos University, in which lecturers, students, graduates of university and general public participated,..