Noticias Hospiten

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All Posts Term: Día Internacional del Abrazo
2 post(s) found
In times of pandemic, in the absence of physical contact, we promote the

In times of pandemic, in the absence of physical contact, we promote the "verbal" hug
Posted on 21-01-2021

January 21, World Hug Day

In times of pandemic, in the absence of physical contact, the health group wants to highlight the importance of the gesture of a hug adapted to the new normal, due to the direct benefits for physical and emotional health

Hospiten conmemora el Día Mundial del Abrazo

Hospiten conmemora el Día Mundial del Abrazo
Posted on 23-01-2020

Bajo el lema ‘Todo empieza con un abrazo’, el grupo sanitario quiere resaltar la importancia de este gesto por sus beneficios directos en la salud física y emocional.