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187 post(s) found
Hospiten alerts the public to an increase in anal condylomas caused by the human papillomavirus

Hospiten alerts the public to an increase in anal condylomas caused by the human papillomavirus
Posted on 19-08-2020

This type of wart cause bleeding, itching and discomfort that, if not treated promptly, can eventually lead to anal cancer

The Tais Hotels and Grupo Hospiten join forces to strengthen health safety

The Tais Hotels and Grupo Hospiten join forces to strengthen health safety
Posted on 30-07-2020

The Hotel Bahía del Duque and Las Villas, members of The Tais Hotels, has joined forces with Hospiten Group to validate a new health and safety programme to provide an ongoing health advice to manage COVID-19

Hospiten colabora con el Campus de Verano de la Fundación Pedro Rodríguez Ledesma

Hospiten colabora con el Campus de Verano de la Fundación Pedro Rodríguez Ledesma
Posted on 15-07-2020

El grupo hospitalario realiza test de diagnóstico de COVID-19 a todos los monitores antes de comenzar la octava edición del Campus, en el que se ofrece una formación integral a los pequeños

Molluscum contagiosum virus: this summer prevent your children catching it at the swimming pool

Molluscum contagiosum virus: this summer prevent your children catching it at the swimming pool
Posted on 26-06-2020

Most common in children with atopic skin or dermatitis, the infection can last for years, but it can be prevented following some simple rules

30% of children under 5 suffer from sleep disorders

30% of children under 5 suffer from sleep disorders
Posted on 24-06-2020

Hospiten Roca recommends an individual evaluation of the child's sleep patterns to diagnose the causes and establish appropriate treatment, in addition to ruling out the presence of other pathologies

Explaining to children what is happening and encouraging them to go out safely – key factors to helping them cope with lockdown

Explaining to children what is happening and encouraging them to go out safely – key factors to helping them cope with lockdown
Posted on 28-05-2020

Hospiten recommends parents consult a pediatrician about any mood or behavior changes they notice in children and to keep to vaccination schedules and check-ups.

Agreement between Femete and Hospiten on COVID-19 testing for the metal and new technologies sectors.

Agreement between Femete and Hospiten on COVID-19 testing for the metal and new technologies sectors.
Posted on 25-05-2020

Femete and the Hospiten Group sign an agreement benefitting 1,500 companies and 6,000 workers

Hospiten desarrolla un ensayo clínico pionero para tratar la vejiga hiperactiva

Hospiten desarrolla un ensayo clínico pionero para tratar la vejiga hiperactiva
Posted on 19-05-2020

Esta línea de investigación, a través de neuroestimulación no invasiva, busca mejorar la incontinencia y la urgencia miccional, que afecta especialmente a mujeres entre los 40 y 75 años

Con motivo del Día Internacional del Ensayo Clínico, que se celebra mañana 20 de mayo, el doctor Conde afirma que España es referencia internacional en investigación clínica

COVID-19 tests available at Hospiten

COVID-19 tests available at Hospiten
Posted on 08-05-2020

The Hospiten Group will determine the most appropriate type of test for each person

	Hospiten recuerda que dormir bien evita enfermedades como la depresión o hipertensión

Hospiten recuerda que dormir bien evita enfermedades como la depresión o hipertensión
Posted on 29-04-2020

Los especialistas indican que es habitual que durante el confinamiento los trastornos y las enfermedades neurológicas se descompensen

La Unidad del Sueño de Hospiten es un área especializada en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de todas aquellas personas que sufren alteraciones en el sueño