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All Posts Term: hospiten estepona
25 post(s) found
José Luis Gallego Perales: “La cirugía bariátrica no es algo estético, sino que trata una enfermedad, la de la obesidad”.

José Luis Gallego Perales: “La cirugía bariátrica no es algo estético, sino que trata una enfermedad, la de la obesidad”.
Posted on 24-07-2023

La nueva incorporación a la plantilla de Hospiten Estepona ve en el verano una oportunidad para cuidarnos y prevenir el sobrepeso

Hospiten Estepona se convierte en servicio médico oficial del CAB Estepona

Hospiten Estepona se convierte en servicio médico oficial del CAB Estepona
Posted on 13-12-2022

El grupo hospitalario y el equipo sénior femenino del conjunto esteponero sellan un acuerdo para la presente temporada por el que la plantilla del LF Challenge se beneficiará de los servicios prestados por Hospiten Estepona

Hospiten y la Sociedad Andaluza de Traumatología y Ortopedia (SATO) organizan en Estepona los Cursos de Artroscopia de Rodilla

Hospiten y la Sociedad Andaluza de Traumatología y Ortopedia (SATO) organizan en Estepona los Cursos de Artroscopia de Rodilla
Posted on 07-12-2022

Las formaciones celebradas el 24 y 25 de noviembre de 2022 en el Hotel Sol Marbella Atalaya Park de Estepona estaban dirigidas a Facultativos especialistas y residentes con experiencia en la realización de artroscopias de rodilla.

Hospiten será un año más el centro de referencia sanitario de la VIII BTT Manilva

Hospiten será un año más el centro de referencia sanitario de la VIII BTT Manilva
Posted on 25-11-2022

Un año más, Hospiten Estepona dará cobertura sanitaria a todos los participantes de la VIII BTT Manilva que lo precisen. La carrera ciclista se celebrará el próximo 4 de diciembre, y cuenta con 500 inscritos. 

The new Cath Lab at Hospiten Estepona, at the forefront of patient-centered treatment

The new Cath Lab at Hospiten Estepona, at the forefront of patient-centered treatment
Posted on 29-09-2022

The new facility incorporates the innovative Philips Azurion 7 C20 image-guided therapy system with FlexArm, which helps optimize the performance of the rest of the equipment and provides exceptional care while focusing on the patient

Hospiten Estepona uses minimally invasive procedures to treat prostate conditions

Hospiten Estepona uses minimally invasive procedures to treat prostate conditions
Posted on 08-06-2022

These techniques, like green laser and water vapor, have proven to be very effective, especially in cases of patients for whom, due to their age, the use of the usual techniques is not recommended

Hospiten Estepona adds innovative 3D biomechanical insoles to its portfolio of services

Hospiten Estepona adds innovative 3D biomechanical insoles to its portfolio of services
Posted on 15-03-2022

Hospiten Estepona offers its patients new options for the prevention and treatment of injuries, Wypro 3D insoles. Their main advantage is that they reduce the time needed to adapt to the treatment, thanks to the personalized parametric design. Malaga-based startup Wypro has created this innovative 3D-printed insoles and prosthesis system, and is a clear commitment by the Hospiten Group to local talent.

Hospiten Estepona recibe un reconocimiento del Ayuntamiento de Estepona

Hospiten Estepona recibe un reconocimiento del Ayuntamiento de Estepona
Posted on 02-03-2022

El galardón se entregó el lunes 28 de febrero en el acto institucional con motivo del Día de Andalucía por la labor realizada desde que comenzó la pandemia por la COVID-19

Cardiac arrhythmias, a very common ailment with multiple options for treatment and cure

Cardiac arrhythmias, a very common ailment with multiple options for treatment and cure
Posted on 27-01-2022

Almost 60% of the population has some type of mild arrhythmia. However, current lifestyles, where stress, a poor diet and a lack of sports activity are often a factor, is leading to more serious types of arrhythmia like atrial fibrillation. Among younger people too. Fortunately, medicine has a growing number of methods, beyond traditional drugs, with which to treat these heart conditions or even cure them completely.

Endoscopic spine surgery: a success story at Hospiten Estepona

Endoscopic spine surgery: a success story at Hospiten Estepona
Posted on 11-11-2021

The future of spinal operations is a reality at Hospiten Estepona, where the first procedures using this advanced technique have already been carried out. The results: interventions with minimum harm to the patient, discharge in just 12 hours and a considerably shorter recovery time than with the conventional procedure